Friday, January 22, 2010

Growing Herbs At Home If You Were To Grow Your Own Herbs/ Spices At Home What Kind Would You Grow?

If you were to grow your own herbs/ spices at home what kind would you grow? - growing herbs at home

Can you tell me what they taste

Are they better, dried or fresh?

If you need to keep them completely dried or crushed or ground?

What is the best way to save them?


  1. I'll thyme, oregano, tarragon, rosemary and chives are all alive - every year, and maintenance are very low!
    Then each year the work of green basil, purple basil, cilantro and parsley .... End of the season, transplant into pots of these and bring them indoors in winter ... usually lasts a few months .. I was much in the cold season.
    These are all herbs that I cook more often.
    I much preferred over dried herbs, even though I was dry, so I have something in hand at all times!
    For drying, you have a good group of elastic rods and head for one or two weeks to dry. Then rake the leaves from the stems and store in container - I prefer to keep the leaves completely destroyed, than they are.
    I also have "herb cubes" in my freezer .. Pack Clean Herbs in Ice Cube trays, top with water and freeze. Then pop em out and throw in a freezer bag so much ... I can only throw the herbs in soups and things, if I want.

    I hope that thisHelp!

  2. The basic spices thyme, basil, parsley, coriander, oregano, rosemary, mint, I think everyone better fresh, but it is more suitable for drying. The country is more flavorful cut it depends if you can be kept fresh herbs in the house, not much heat and water if you want to know the taste is better to try to, you may decide that you can, as in the shop and the bottle is very small and do not go over it and taste go and see that you like, but start with dry spices and then I'm like basil and coriander, the better. "

  3. best herbs to grow are the ones that you can use and are unfortunately more difficult, because some need a lot of water, others not so much love and things like basil error. I love basil, but snails! Sweet is still usually better if you can, but it is still dry and can only be used if it concentrates the flavor. Dried herbs in a cool, dry and moisture in them is bad! As with everything the earth or soil depends on what your recipes call for, but think about it, you can always gring, or mash them to think a whole of a motor and Pessl, but you can not ungrind. Fresh herbs, once on the ground, remain in the water in the refrigerator for several days.
    I wish I could grow Pasley, oregano, rosemary, basil, chives, coriander (celantro), but this would be: o (

  4. I will be mint, sage, thyme and basil in the fields terrace. I use only fresh, because it loses a little when it dries (which is why I always!).

    When dry, no doubt, keep them all, and immediately before use to grind. Milling loses its flavor.

    Need for such questions in a small airtight containers stored.

  5. There are some great culinary herbs that I use: mint, coriander, rosemary, thyme, parsley, and much more, all that can be grown at home, more and more now at all. I worked in a 4-star restaurant to cook, and, surprisingly, that people do not know is that restaurants are using herbs as a garnish for their appearance and flavor, and mint is one of the more popular herbs in use. Herbs are very easy to grow, especially mint spreads like a weed, grass, that is the use of the kitchen always taste better fresh. In fact, now that I think of all the fresh flavors of improvement!
    This led to hope


  6. Queenie knows it all.January 27, 2010 at 9:16 PM

    I will be mint, pepper, rosemary, thyme and sage. I use tons of rosemary. It's my favorite. I use it all the sweeter. I do not win, I will at the gates and collect everything I need. I use rosemary sauce and chili paste, tomato, nothing.

  7. Queenie knows it all.January 27, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    I will be mint, pepper, rosemary, thyme and sage. I use tons of rosemary. It's my favorite. I use it all the sweeter. I do not win, I will at the gates and collect everything I need. I use rosemary sauce and chili paste, tomato, nothing.

  8. Queenie knows it all.January 27, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    I will be mint, pepper, rosemary, thyme and sage. I use tons of rosemary. It's my favorite. I use it all the sweeter. I do not win, I will at the gates and collect everything I need. I use rosemary sauce and chili paste, tomato, nothing.
